Do you want to feel great again?

Functional medicine is a comprehensive approach that seeks answers to the question "Why?"

I want to know more
MUDr. Anna Palgutová

Functional medicine

It is a comprehensive approach that seeks answers to the questions 'Why?'

It looks for the causes of diseases. It works with connections, perceives the body as a whole, not as individual organs separated from each other. Everything is interconnected, it is complicated and interdependent. Organ systems work together, depending on the environment and circumstances, and have a great ability to compensate. Eventually, it becomes too much, and the system starts to break down. Then functional medicine comes in, which can decipher where adjustments and solutions are needed to help the organism return to a state of health.

GAPS (Gut and psychology and physiology syndrome)

The composition and condition of our gut influence both our mental and physical health. The state of the gut and its contents—the microbiome—are fundamental to the health of the entire body. The GAPS therapeutic protocol, created by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, focuses on healing the intestinal lining, restoring a healthy microbiome, and thus addressing many mental and physical issues. It has a precise structure, is systematic, and effective.

It is suitable for a wide range of chronic illnesses, autoimmune diseases, and many psychiatric diagnoses. It has shown excellent results in children with autism, schizophrenia, and depression. The list of diseases for which GAPS is the right choice is extensive.


“My rheumatoid arthritis, which had been bothering me for a long time, has finally improved, and I am able to move, exercise, and function. Thank you so much.”

Jana K. (62 years old)

“I lost 15 kg, I feel great, thank you for the guidance and all the advice. It has helped me a lot.”

Iveta T. (48 years old)

“Very pleasant approach, the doctor really knows a lot and has a good understanding of different areas. I had SIBO and digestive issues, which improved significantly in a short time, and the SIBO has not returned. I highly recommend and am glad I gave it a try.”

Eva Č. (38 years old)

About me

I graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Masaryk University in Brno. I worked for a while at the gynecology and obstetrics department at Břeclav Hospital and also spent some time at a gynecology outpatient clinic in Brno.

In the meantime, I was on parental leave, gradually with all three of my sons. During my last stay at home with my third son, I discovered the GAPS protocol, delved into studying it, and completely fell for it. I realized that I no longer wanted to return to the hospital. I wanted to help people regain their health and show them an alternative path. I no longer wished to sit helplessly in a clinic, claiming that nothing can be done about chronic illness or prescribing medications to merely suppress symptoms.

While studying the GAPS protocol, I also immersed myself in functional medicine studies at the University of Functional Medicine in California, USA. And everything started to fall into place. A new, comprehensive approach to diseases, prevention, and lifestyle revealed itself to me. Everything began to make sense. So, I decided to start sharing all this knowledge, connections, and insights with others so that others could benefit from it as well.

I also expanded my education to include heavy metal detoxification using the ACC method (Dr. Andrew Cutler Chelation Protocol) and the iodine protocol according to Dr. David Brownstein.


CGP- certified GAPS practitioner

CFMP- certified functional medicine practitioner

Pricing List

Initial consultation (90-120 minutes)

(The price includes analysis of blood test results and the initial questionnaire, an introductory interview, subsequent preparation of a report with recommendations, and a proposed therapeutic plan.)
3 500 Kč / 140 €

Follow-up consultation

(Duration: 60 minutes)
1 800 Kč / 72 €

Follow-up consultation

(Duration: 30 minutes)
1 000 Kč / 40 €

Package of follow-up consultations

(5 x 60 minutes at a discounted price of 1440 CZK (58 €) per consultation)
7 200 Kč / 290 €

Monthly collaboration

(Weekly contact via email/voice message for one month)
3 000 Kč / 130 €

GAPS Package (2 Months)

(Initial and final consultation, weekly resolution of current issues via email or phone, weekly meal plan review for 2 months)
9 000 Kč / 380 €

Interpretation of blood test results from a functional medicine perspective

500 Kč / 20 €

test DUTCH Complete

+ written interpretation 2,000 CZK / 80 €
11 990 Kč / 480 €

test DUTCH Complete + Cycle mapping

+ písemná interpretace 2 000 Kč / 80 €
15 000 Kč / 600 €

Organic Acids Test (OAT)

+ written interpretation 2,000 CZK / 80 €
12 000 Kč / 480 €

Metabolomix+ (Assessment of the nutritional status of the body – vitamins, minerals, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, etc.)

+ written interpretation 2,000 CZK / 80 €
14 000 Kč / 560 €

Gut Microbiome Test: GI Map

+ written interpretation 2,000 CZK / 80 €
12 000 Kč / 480 €

DNA Health

+ written interpretation 2,000 CZK / 80 €
8 500 Kč / 340 €

DNA Core

+ written interpretation 2,000 CZK / 80 €
10 000 Kč/ 400 €


MUDr. Anna Palgutová, CGP, CFMP

Certified GAPS therapeutist
Certified functional medicine practitioner
Working hours by appointment.

Consultations available in person (Brno) and online.
IČ: 13976907
Č.ú. (CZK): 2602067439/2010
Č.ú. (EUR): IBAN: CZ02 2010 0000 0020 0206 7443, BIC/SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX
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